The Reality of Beauty

by | Apr 29, 2022

The British Beauty Council, the UNSEEN, DAZED and the Future Laboratory hosted the ‘Reality of Beauty’ a series of panel discussions which asked what the future of beauty will look like, and what factors have influenced the industry to become what we know today.

The first panel, moderated by Strategy Director DAZED, Izzy Farmiloe, saw artist Yeule, makeup artist Dominic Skinner, writer and editor Dominic Cadogan, and author Ellen Atlanta discuss the history of makeup in self-expression, strategies to counteract mass consumption, as well as the crossover of the physical and digital world and how far this will go.


Senior Creative Foresight Analyst, Olivia Houghton, at the Future Laboratory hosted the second discussion of the evening, where British Beauty Council CEO Millie Kendall OBE, the UNSEEN founder Lauren Bowker, and Aromatherapy Associates CEO Anna Teal, addressed the influence of conglomerates on the industry, beauty’s changing aims and direction, as well as the ‘million dollar question’ regarding planet, profit and purpose and which of these businesses should prioritise for a sustainable future.


Joined by inspiring individuals from across the industry, the panel discussions were in celebration of the launch of the UNSEEN’s SPECTRA, a ‘dual reality’ makeup which transforms under a phone camera’s flash, blurring the line between digital and physical realities.


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