Petition calls for a standardised ‘risk logo’ to be included on all advertising linked to cosmetic surgery and aesthetics procedures

by | Jun 17, 2022

The British Beauty Council is encouraging people to lend their a support to an important petition calling for the advertising of cosmetic surgery and non-surgical aesthetics procedures to be more upfront about the potential risks involved.

The petition calls for a standardised ‘risk logo’ to be included on all advertising linked to cosmetic surgery and aesthetics procedures. It follows bans in recent years on the advertising of botulinum toxin injections on social media and other web platforms, as well as legislation banning botulinum toxin injections and fillers for under 18s. Click to show your support and sign the petition.


Championing the petition, Victoria Brownlie, Chief Policy Officer at the British Beauty Council, said “This is a vital step in raising the reputation of the industry and showing that client safety is a key priority for those who work in aesthetics. Any work to ensure public protection and encourage ethical advertising will always have our full support as it sets responsible practitioners and businesses apart from those who are operating irresponsibly.”


Increasing reports of complications and injuries from cosmetic surgery and non-surgical aesthetic procedures has led to the creation of this petition. If successful, the ‘risk logo’ would remind the public of the risk attached to the procedure or treatment, encouraging further research into the long-term effect, long term financial commitment and the possibility of complications.


The British Beauty Council is also working with government officials and stakeholders on the construction of a licensing scheme to better regulate the aesthetics industry after the UK Government made a commitment within the Health and Care Act to tackle this issue earlier this year.


Click to show your support and sign the petition.

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