Instagram Live: Wellbeing Workshop with Marie Loney

by | Jan 21, 2021

Join us on @britishbeautycouncil on Wednesday 27th January at 12:30 for a Wellbeing Workshop with Marie Loney, Emotional Wellbeing Coach and Business Consultant.

Date: Wednesday 27th January

Time: 12:30 – 13:00

Place: Instagram Live (@britishbeautycouncil)


Have the lockdowns affected your emotional wellbeing? Are you wondering how you can be positive through tough times? Do you know how to keep your team’s morale high?


Who is Marie Loney?


Marie Loney is the founder of Glow Consultancy London. She is an experienced coach, business consultant and trainer in the fashion, beauty and business sector. Her coaching methodology is grounded in emotional health and wellbeing philosophy. She successfully incorporates coaching and consultancy skills transforming mindsets to facilitate change. Marie specialises in business leadership and professional development helping people to explore where they are at and discover where they want to go in order to thrive and reach their full potential.


Marie is a qualified coach and trainer. Coaching at a senior practitioner level, she has a European Mentoring and Coaching Council validated MSc in Coaching and Mentoring from Sheffield Hallam University and a Mental Health First Aid Certificate.  Marie also holds teaching certificates at Graduate and Postgraduate levels in Art, Design and Communications from the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London.


To book a consultation with Marie email


What will the Wellbeing Workshop cover?


During our workshop, we will explore how to stay positive through tough times, techniques for improving your emotional wellbeing and resilience, and the power of goal setting for 2021.


You also have the opportunity to have your questions answered; send us your wellbeing questions, by Friday 22nd January, via email!


Set your reminders for 12:30 on Wednesday 27th January! 


Follow us on Instagram here.

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