COVID-19: Scotland’s Timetable for Easing COVID Restrictions

by | Mar 16, 2021

Today, Nicola Sturgeon announced the timetable for easing COVID restrictions in Scotland.

The Scottish Government published their Strategic Framework update on the 23rd February, where they reconfirmed the strategic intent to: suppress the virus to the lowest possible level and keep it there, while they strive to return to a more normal life for as many people as possible.


They have now published a Timetable for easing COVID restrictions, which can be downloaded here.


Timetabled Plan for Easing Restrictions


On 2nd April, the ‘Stay at Home’ requirement will be lifted and will be replaced with a ‘Stay Local’ message (retaining the current, local authority-based travel restrictions for at least a three-week period).


The Scottish government will continue to monitor closely the encouraging data. Assuming that all goes well, the next significant milestone for easing restrictions will be 5th April, when they plan to ease a wider range of current restrictions in level 4 areas (some of these activities/settings are already permitted/open in Level 3 island communities).


Subject to supply by mid-April, they plan to have offered the vaccine to priority vaccine groups 1-9, based on the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation advice for protecting the most vulnerable in our population. Assuming the data allows it, they expect a more significant reopening of the economy and society from 26 April.


Key dates, conditional on supportive data:


5th April – Hairdressers and Barbers can reopen (appointments only)


26th April – All shops, stores and close contact services can open



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