Young people make up two-thirds (61%) of the UK beauty workforce*

by | Dec 20, 2018

British Beauty Council is interested to read the National Hairdressers Federation and National Beauty Federation (NHF/NBF) 2018 annual statistics giving an overview of businesses, turnover, employment, working patterns, age, gender, trends in salon start-ups and business success, apprenticeships and health in our industry.

One stat we noted is that of the 97,000 people their stats reveal work in beauty in the UK, 94% are female and young people make up almost two thirds (61%) of the workforce.*

Additional highlights from the report are that 53% of people working in beauty are self-employed (which is a similar figure to last year), and that there has been an increase in part-time working from 43% to 52%.

Hair & Beauty Industry Statistics

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