Wabi-Sabi Beauty by Pretty Analytics

by | Dec 5, 2018

Wabi-sabi: A Japanese term focused on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. In beauty terms, the industry is beginning to draw focus on what traditional media tells society is considered an imperfection. Making space for consumers to embrace their individuality, creative expression and how our looks change as we age.


Removing the term “anti-aging” from the marketing and branding of products is a future goal. There is increasingly less concern about trying to erase wrinkles. Consumers want healthy skin that’s protected and feels good. The future of skincare will focus on prevention, protection and education. Protecting skin from environmental aggressors and promoting healthier skin.


Pretty Analytics saw a 152% increase in digital content products about “wabi-sabi beauty” between 2017 and 2018 so far. This ranges from its influence on the beauty industry, our lifestyles and interiors.


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