the end for ‘cowboy injectors’?

by | Apr 24, 2019

A campaign to tackle botched cosmetic procedures is to be launched by the government next month in response to the rise in the use of self-injected and dermal lip fillers with inevitable complications that need treatment by the NHS.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) have, in principle, welcomed the campaign, acknowledging that the rise in these procedures is due to increased awareness, affordability and availability, which unfortunately have not been matched by improved education in what to expect when accessing treatments or indeed what can go wrong.

Many in the business have had concerns for some time about so-called ‘cowboy injectors’ who administer fillers without medical training, and would like to see restrictions on who can perform injectables.

Save Face UK – the national register of accredited practitioners – said it received 934 patient complaints about unregistered practitioners from 2017-18; of these 616 related to dermal fillers.

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