Supported by over 50 businesses and organisations, including the British Beauty Council, Neal’s Yard Remedies have written an open letter which is calling on the Government to implement a total ban on the use of neonicotinoids in the UK.
In the letter to the Prime Minister, the signatories are asking for there to be no more derogations for pesticides following the decision by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, George Eustice, to lift the ban on Cruiser SB (thiamethoxam) to control virus-spreading aphids in the case of the sugar beet crop as a temporary emergency measure.

Anabel Kindersley, Co-Owner of Neal’s Yard Remedies, at No10 Downing Street
The letter explains that the UK ban on neonicotinoids was instated after an EU ban in 2013, which was based on a “weight of scientific evidence” showing the destructive impact they have on bees and other pollinators, as well as rivers and the environment”. It goes on to say that lifting the ban “goes directly against guidance from government experts advisors” and that granting their use “works directly against the Government’s own legal requirement to halt species loss by 2030, as set out in the Environment Act in 2021”.
With corporate social responsibility high on their agendas, the signatories say they are doing their bit through regulated trading practices, charity partnerships, petitions, campaigning and fundraising but express concerns that the government is dragging their feet on the issue. They maintain that the ecological harm caused by pesticide use is preventable and emergency derogations avoidable “with steadfast legislation” and “investment in nature-friendly pest management solutions” protecting pollinators and helping farmers transition to sustainable alternatives so that that their crops – and livelihoods – aren’t put at risk when such issues arise.
Anabel Kindersley, Co-Owner of Neal’s Yard Remedies, noted that the letter received an “overwhelmingly positive response with signatures growing from eight to over 30 in just 48 hours”. Kindersley, along with, Jayn Sterland, Chair of the Sustainable Beauty Coalition and MD at Weleda UK, Millie Kendall OBE, Chief Executive Officer of the British Beauty Council, and Lucy Siegle, Environmental Writer and Broadcaster hand-delivered the letter to Downing Street on Friday 25th March. Read the full letter .
“Standing united on this matter is more than just a coming together of like-minded businesses. It’s a call to arms for every person, company and organisation to spread the word and spur action. We hope that together, our voices will amplify the call on the government and drive positive, meaningful change.”
– Anabel Kindersley, Co-Owner of Neal’s Yard Remedies
Petitions to sign:
Greenpeace is also pressing the government to enforce a total ban on bee-killing pesticides, with a petition signed by over half a million so far.
Friends of the Earth’s Shape the future of our countryside petition is pushing the Environment Secretary for a clear plan to reduce the use of pesticides and make the countryside a safer place for wildlife.
The Bumble Bee Conservation Trust are also educating people on how to make their local areas more bee friendly.
- Neal’s Yard Remedies
- Aromatherapy Associates
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- British Beauty Council
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