L’Oréal Professional Products Division walked in solidarity through #WalkForHairdressers

by | Jun 25, 2021

L’Oréal Professional Products Division invited all UK and Irish Hairdressers to embark and  unite on a 100,000-mile journey of four laps around the world.

Hairdressers were invited to take part in a collective walking challenge to not only fuel  exercise for the mind, but also exercise for the benefit of all. The initiative saw 846 people  enrol who all contributed to 4-laps around the world – 100k miles! 


Walk For Hairdressers saw the hairdressing community join together remotely to collectively travel around the world as part of daily exercise routines, whatever form that  may take – walking, running, biking or even at-home workouts – and respecting all Government guidelines.  


Powered by technology, L’Oréal Professional Products Division launched a mission on the My Virtual Mission website and app – www.myvirtualmission.com – where each participant signed-up to “join” the mission. The app recorded each person’s progress, which could be viewed on the world map, and added the total miles achieved. The virtual mission started in Birmingham and ended in Cardiff, via the entire world! 


L’Oréal Professional Products continues to be committed to the Hairdressing Industry, especially during these unprecedented circumstances, and as part of the Walk For Hairdressers initiative, the division donated £5,000 to the Hair & Beauty Charity and €5,000  to Look Good Feel Better Ireland. The Hair & Beauty Charity offer financial support to  individuals and their families facing difficult times due to unforeseen circumstances whilst Look Good Feel Better offers free hair and make-up workshops to women suffering with the  appearance related side effects of cancer treatment. 


The #WALKFORHAIRDRESSERS initiative is not only a moment to recognise how important  hairdressing is in supporting our wellbeing but also is a movement that united the  hairdressing industry. L’Oréal Professional Products continue to stand shoulder to shoulder  in solidarity and bring forward initiatives to support our industry. 

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