How to donate spare Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to help the NHS

by | Apr 2, 2020

As we know, our beloved NHS is under a lot of strain due to coronavirus when it comes to volunteers and certain supplies. Many industries, such as education and construction, have started initiatives to donate Personal Protection Equipment such as goggles, aprons, and gloves.

To help this drive, our patron, Treatwell would like to bring together the beauty industry to do their bit too. Treatwell have got in touch with the NHS, and they have asked for the following equipment, which Treatwell believe some of our salon owners may have in high quantities:

  • Face masks (IIR, FFP2 & FFP3)
  • Disposable gloves
  • Fluid resistant, full-body disposable apron
  • Eye protector: Full face visor or protective goggles


Please visit the following link to donate, and help keep our NHS running and prepared to deal with the coronavirus pandemic:



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