COVID-19: Education in the Nail Sector

by | Nov 5, 2020

As mandated by the UK government, education is permitted to continue throughout England’s current national lockdown. This is inclusive of that taking place within the beauty industry.

DISCLAIMER: Accurate at the time of posting, but these guidelines may change, and are updated in accordance with frequent consultations we have with government as part of their COVID-19 taskforce.


British Beauty Council Advisory Board Member Marian Newman BEM has put together Guidelines for Providing Education for the Nail Sector During Lockdown:


  1. Where possible, delivery of both theory, practical teaching and assessments should be carried out via on-line platforms where the Awarding Body approve. In the instance of private and independent teaching courses, training establishments can prove that sufficient quality checks can be in place to ensure a thorough understanding and safe and efficient practical aspects can be followed. (Platforms such as Zoom can provide very close demonstration and application techniques via mobile devises.)


  1. Where this is not possible there are COVID 19 secure measures that can be adopted:
    • Classes must be in accordance with the social distancing measures depending on the accommodation. i.e every student must be able to work with a 2 meter distance of fellow students
    • On entry, every student must adhere to the hygiene measures as recognised by the establishments Risk Assessment
    • Every student must wear suitable PPE and follow suitable hygiene measures
    • Every student must have the facilities to change into their workwear on entry and store their travel clothing and personal belongings in a secure place
    • Every student must avoid contact during breaks
    • Students must bring their own refreshments and consume with social distancing measures or leave the building and follow the entry procedure on returning
    • All tools and products used must be disinfected in accordance with the Guidelines
    • Teachers must clean and disinfect all areas between teaching sessions


  1. Students must work on their own nails, on a ‘practice hand’, or on each other.


  1. Teachers must provide practical demonstrations via an overhead camera and monitor


  1. Teachers, when giving feedback and guidance must stand behind their student while both are wearing full PPE (i.e suitable mask, eye protection or visor. No face to face contact)

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