British Beauty Council Announces Advisory Board Members

by | Mar 8, 2019

The newly-formed British Beauty Council is delighted to announce the initial members of its distinguished Advisory Board.

As important and influential members of the beauty community, recognised for their expertise and contributions to beauty and beyond, the voices and opinions of our Advisory Board will help to influence the future of beauty in the UK. They include Anna-Marie Solowij, Marcia Kilgore, Dija Ayodele, Michelle Boon, Professor Frances Corner OBE, Caroline Rush CBE, Robin Derrick, Lisa Eldridge, David Gandy, Mary Greenwell, Sophia Hilton, Caroline Hirons, Alexia Inge, Sam McKnight, Kay Montano, Marian Newman, Kathy Phillips, Sharmadean Reid MBE, Daniela Rinaldi and Josh Wood.

The Advisory Board will play a vital role in determining the initiatives that underpin the British Beauty Council’s three guiding pillars – reputation, innovation and education – through which we will focus our energy and the support so generously provided by organisations, individuals and global change makers. They will sit alongside other industry professionals and Patrons, and together represent the spectrum of the beauty industry.

The Advisory Board will meet twice a year in London at gatherings organized by the Council’s Executive Board to help guide their work for the following months. The British Beauty Council’s first initiative has been to commission a pioneering report into the size and impact of the British beauty industry on the UK economy. The Advisory Board were invited to input into a definition of our industry that was created by BritainThinks as a precursor to that report, and we will be releasing key findings from that shortly.


“The beauty industry allows women all over the country to have flexible, self-directed, creative careers, that empower them economically and provide financial independence. For too long, those careers haven’t been taken seriously. The industry is highly-profitable and growing year-on-year, it contributes to our economy, our culture and our sense of self, and I’m so glad it’s getting the recognition and the platform it deserves.”

Sharmadean Reid MBE, CEO Beautystack


“The beauty industry is an essential driver of the British economy and job market; one that has been grossly underrepresented both politically and in the media. It’s hard not to attribute passive sexism to this invisibility because beauty is such a female-dominated industry, it sure as hell isn’t insignificant to the tax coffers. As the recent British Beauty Council Report proves, the beauty industry is more diverse, covering everything from grassroots to corporate spires, and represents a broader cross-section of society than any other industry in Britain today. Beauty has become a cultural movement, our home-grown industry is already internationally renowned and heavily funded with foreign cash, it’s time for better recognition and support at home.”

Alexia Inge, Co-Founder & Co-CEO Cult Beauty


“As someone who was self-taught at a time when the job ‘makeup artist’ barely existed, the British Beauty Council shows how far we’ve all come, and what a massive contribution has been created for our economy. Knowledge of beauty products and accessibility within the marketplace has increased the value to an extent where it ought to be taken very seriously indeed. The British Beauty Council have information and reach that in itself has value regarding data and statistics. By recognising levels of excellence based on industry standards, they can encourage a ripple effect upon a variety of beauty-related small businesses right across the UK. In doing so they also – very importantly recognise the value of women in business too, right down to a micro level, a trickle-down effect that can actually be believed in. Beauty is after all a commonly found way for women to have financial independence.”

Kay Montano, makeup artist


To view our full list of current Advisory Board members please follow the below link.












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