Learn more about our mission
Each pillar has a unique focus that reflects the needs of the sector and its workforce, directing resource to creating stability and growth over the coming three-year period to empower businesses to thrive.
Key areas for sector improvement will be addressed with both short and longer-term projects. These ongoing initiatives require a nimble approach, always taking into account societal and economic changes.
Policy & Influence
Trade & Export
Investment, Innovation & Technology
Talent & Careers

The Value of Beauty, 3rd Edition
In 2024, the British Beauty Council commissioned Oxford Economics to refresh its analysis of the economic contribution of the beauty industry and how it has evolved. The report covers 2023 performance and a forecast for 2024.
For press enquires contact: grace@britishbeautycouncil.com
Beauty news
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As a member of the British Beauty Council you will have access to industry news and opinion-formers across the sector. Our membership is designed as a one-stop shop for the individual, either working in or looking to break into the industry.