WWF: Emission Possible

by | Jun 4, 2021

Emission reporting is a key action for any businesses who want to better understand their impact, and to make real changes for the environment. WWF have produced a guide, with the aim to help businesses like yours tackle their emissions.

A Beginners Guide to Emission Reporting (source: WWF)


In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that global warming must not exceed 1.5°C to avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change. We have already warmed our planet by 1° and the changes we are seeing as a result are a stark vision of what is to come if we do not change.


In order to limit global warming to 1.5°C we need to change how we live and how our businesses operate. Thankfully it is universally accepted that we can no longer continue business as usual. We need to reset our relationship with our planet and create a system that benefits climate, nature, and people.


The first step in making those changes, is figuring out what to change. We need to understand where our emissions are coming from and how bad they are. We need companies to discover and report on their emissions.


Read the WWF Emission Possible Guide here.

The British Beauty Council is set to launch the Sustainable Beauty Coalition soon, follow @sustainablebeautycoalition on Instagram to be notified about it!

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