Wellbeing and the Beauty Industry

by | Mar 29, 2022

April has marked Stress Awareness Month since 1992, to raise awareness of the ‘causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic’. The hair, beauty and wellness industry is well positioned to positively impact mental health and wellbeing.

Published in 2021, the ‘Effects of Personal Care Services on Mental Health and Wellbeing’ explains that the introduction of touch and massage therapy could reduce sick days by 1.76 million, and save the UK approximately £10.5billion per annum.


“There is significant global evidence demonstrating that touch therapy, as well as massage can have a significant effect on reducing mental health problems, which cost the UK economy at least £118 billion per year.
The beauty industry is perfectly placed to support individuals to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing, and influence stress reduction. The vast array of beauty products and services available can contribute positively to an individual’s self-esteem and overall wellbeing through both self-care and access to professional services.”

– Helena Grzesk, Chief Operating Officer, British Beauty Council


What can you do to manage your stress? (source: Mental Health Foundation)

If you’re feeling stressed, there are a number of things you can try in order to try to overcome these feelings.

  1. Recognise when stress is a problem
  2. Think about where you can make changes
  3. Build supportive relationships
  4. Eat healthily
  5. Be aware of your smoking and drinking
  6. Get some exercise
  7. Take time out
  8. Be mindful
  9. Get some restful sleep
  10. Be kind to yourself


If you continue to feel overwhelmed by stress, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Speak with your doctor about how you’re feeling, and they should be able to advise you on treatment.

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