Together we can tackle loneliness #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

by | May 9, 2022

In it’s 22nd year, Mental Health Awareness Week is running from 9th to 15th May.

The British Beauty Council co-authored ‘the Effects of Personal Care Services on Mental Health and Wellbeing‘ report, which found that there is significant global evidence that mental health causes 12.7% of total sick days, and that touch therapy and massage, could have a significant effect on reducing mental health problems by 10%.⁠


Mental Health Awareness Week is an opportunity to focus on achieving good mental health. This year, the week will raise awareness about the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing and the practical steps we can take to address it. The stigma of loneliness can make it difficult for people to talk about, as people often worry about being judged or feeling a burden to the people they are in contact with.


Tips to tackle loneliness from the Mental Health Foundation

  • Keep busy with things that make you feel good:
    • Keeping busy with things you enjoy can be energising and positive, but things such as working too hard or watching too much TV only serve as a temporary distraction and can actually make loneliness worse.
  • Don’t overlook the little connections:
    • Connecting with others can be hard when you’re feeling lonely. However, even connecting at a low level, for example talking to the sales assistant in a shop, can make a difference.
  • Talking therapies can help:
    • Talking through your feelings with a counsellor or therapist can help you cope with your feelings of loneliness. Talking therapy can be hard to get – but if you can find a professional, it can really be of benefit.


“We hope this year’s theme of loneliness will strike a chord with many of us who felt lonely and struggled throughout the Covid pandemic.
Millions of us experience loneliness from time to time. We know that some people are at higher risk of experiencing loneliness and the evidence shows the longer we feel lonely, the more we are at risk of mental health problems.
Loneliness deserves more attention and we’re calling on everyone who has struggled as a result of being lonely to share their experiences. We must work together – as individuals, as a society and through government policy – to reduce loneliness and prevent mental health problems by investing in welcoming, social spaces and new community initiatives.”

– Mark Rowland, Chief Executive, Mental Health Foundation


Click for help and advice from the Mental Health Foundation regarding loneliness and your mental health.

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