The world says a sad farewell to two titans of the hairdressing industry

by | Jun 18, 2019

British Beauty Council read a charming goodbye post from Michael Gordon honouring the lives of Patrick Ales and Jean-Louis David.

Patrick Ales, 88, was the founder of Phyto Paris, he held a great passion for botany and proponent of ‘Le Brushing’, a blow-dry technique for the full-bodied coiffure. He also played a large part in influencing many within the industry, including Horst who founded Aveda.

Jean-Louis David, 85, founder of Jean Louis David (which was an early pioneer of the salon chain concept), he invented the tousled cut called ‘La Coupe Sauvage’.

“Jean Louis was very much a businessman – he recognized that you couldn’t become rich running a salon, so he created essentially the first franchising salon chain, and ended up with hundreds of salons around the world.” Gordon wrote.

Between them both they worked with all the greats, photographers like Guy Bourdin and Helmut Newton and clients including Jacki O, Edith Piaf and Brigitte Bardot.


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