The British Beauty Council: the Journey So Far

by | Jul 7, 2022

From the formation of the Council in 2018, Jane Boardman’s tenure as Chair of the British Beauty Council has seen impactful, positive change for the sector as a whole.

Introduced to Millie Kendall by fellow co-founder Anna-Marie Solowij back in 2017, Jane knew exactly how to get such an organisation as the British Beauty Council off the ground.


Her business acumen and knowledge of the sector, as well as her work the British Fashion Council, helped to develop its roadmap and strategic pillars.


She spoke with CEO Millie Kendall and Advisory Board Member Sonia Haria about her 4-year tenure as Chair looking back at the Council’s achievements to date as she steps down from the role this Summer.


Discussed during this interview, one of the Council’s first achievements was the landmark Definition of Beauty, culminating in the writing of the Value of Beauty report, which gave a monetary value to the industry for the first time. Valuing its contribution at £28billion, the report helped to elevate and raise the reputation of the industry to the government and to wider society.


Fast-forward to today, and the seismic impact that the Council continues to have on the industry is clear. During COVID, the Council successfully lobbied for the safe, early, reopening of the sector, and secured an additional ÂŁ500mn in funding for our businesses as well as initiating an industry specific sector team at the department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).


Moreover, Jane’s tenure has seen the creation of British Beauty Week. A now highly anticipated event, this September the Council is calling on businesses of all sizes to create engaging initiatives for the five-day event running from 5 September 2022, to demonstrate to the public, business leaders and policymakers the power of beauty.


The British Beauty Council continues to work with stakeholders and the government to support a successful, innovative, British beauty industry.


Watch the full interview here:

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