Supporting the Petition: Include BAME Hair & Makeup as Mandatory in all Recognised Industry Qualifications

by | Jun 8, 2020

Following on from last week, we want to continue to share ways to support positive change in the hair and beauty industry. Today, that’s highlighting another important petition that’s gone live.

Jodie Marie Spencer has initiated a petition to include Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) hair and makeup training as mandatory within all recognised industry qualifications. As she states within the petition page, the lack of resource and education in hair, makeup and beauty have gone on for far too long, failing to represent people of all backgrounds. This is continuing to impact the ability of industry professionals as they are ill-equipped to cater their services to everyone.

Despite many professionals taking the initiative to seek out extra courses to equip themselves, it is fair to say that this should not be necessary and all hair textures, skin tones and textures should be covered from the very start of every professional’s career. Equally there is an abundance of teaching talent who are trained and would relish the opportunity to teach these skills under official and recognised qualifications.

Jodie concludes the petition page by stressing that:

“This is not a fight against the awarding bodies and associations within the Hair/Makeup/Barbering/Beauty education system, it is a plea to work together to change this issue. Now is the time to break the stigma and make Hair and Makeup available for EVERYONE.”

To sign, share and follow its progress, head to this page on Jodie has also released a survey on 8 June to gather further details. It only takes three minutes and all answers are anonymous. You can complete this here.

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