As part of our ongoing support and work for diversity and inclusion within the hair and beauty industry, the British Beauty Council is always looking at ways to contribute towards, and share movements that strive for this positive change.
There is now a petition on specifically looking at the education of black hair given that it’s currently missing from college education. Consequently, it has left a significant gap in professional knowledge and hairdressing services, leaving this demographic largely uncatered for.
The petition page, started by Jemima Bradley, states:
“We need to stand up, make a change for the sake of our black clients. We as hairdressers have a global responsibility of making people feel good, to do this we need to educate ourselves in order to equally deliver. Having Afro training to be compulsory on an NVQ in hairdressing would change everything. And help to end the segregation in our industry. If you sign this petition you are helping to start a brighter, more equal, more educated industry.”
It has already garnered over 8,000 signatures but deserves far more attention. Head to the petition page here to add your name. To help it gain further traction, please share across your social channels and with your peers.