Superdrug launches botox and fillers service at London flagship store

by | Aug 16, 2018

The series might be over, but the after effects of Love Island heavily reverberate and Superdrug who sponsored the programme, say their new soft surgery clinics are the result of consumer demand for accessible high street surgery having been influenced by the Love Islanders. They say that 10,000 of their customers now want anti-wrinkle and skin rejuvenation surgeries on the high street so they’re offering Botox and filler treatments in their store on the Strand. They have plans to roll the service out across London and nationwide. Customers will have a phone consultation and complete a medical questionnaire to assess eligibility for treatment, which starts from £99. Among the concerns some surgeons have expressed over this development is whether the easy accessibility and speed of the process – from initial consultation to treatment – gives patients time for adequate reflection.

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