Historically, when an electrical appliance stopped working, developed a fault or became obsolete, there was no other option than to throw them away or put them in a dedicated, local small electricals bin.
Now, most of the major electrical appliance manufacturers (e.g. Ghd) offer repairs, spares and refurbished appliances, so, in the first case, you should speak to your manufacturer to see if can be mended or resold. Alternatively you can send your electrical appliances to a specialist recycler, such as Cloud Nine, the industry’s first and only hair styling tool recycling scheme looking to save 1.5 million styling tools from landfill https://www.cloudninehair.com/pages/recycle Failing that, businesses can arrange collection of WEEE products including hairdryers and straighteners, by licensed waste carriers https://www.businesswaste.co.uk/learn-about/hairdryer-and-hair-straighteners-disposal-and-recycling/

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