Patch Test Party!

by | Mar 21, 2019

Cardiff based CHAIR Salons founder Casey Coleman SRH has devised a rather brilliant initiative to encourage colour clients to have their skin tested before treatment.

#PatchTestParty is an opportunity for salons to make skin testing an easier, more fun and regular way to get this essential pre colour step for all clients made, while highlighting the importance of skin testing generally.

“There are so many hairdressers out there who don’t regularly test their clients”, Casey reveals. “By raising awareness as well as calling out to other clients to do the same, we increase safety within our industry with a fun and attractive spin on skin testing. So many factors can increase the chance of an allergy, regardless of whether clients have coloured their hair in the past or not, such as semi-permanent tattoos, a break from colouring and changing their base level by two shades. Making more people aware of these factors has proven vital to this initiative”.

To sign up or find out more for your salon visit Patch Test Party or DM Casey directly.

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