Next on the banned list?

by | Jun 1, 2018

There’s one for every part of the body, every kind of complexion & conceivable form of makeup/dirt removal – not to mention those that make light work of house cleaning: no wonder the *moist towelette* has become so ubiquitous in our lives.

The Guardian report states that this industry is likely to be internationally worth $4bn by 2021. In the same report they reveal the very unpretty & unpure impact the non-biodegradable ones have on the environment: non-flushable wipes make up 93% of the blockages in UK rivers, canals & drains. Thames21 charity – who retrieved 5,453 of them from an area half the size of a tennis court near the river in Hammersmith last month are working with City to sea Bristol to raise awareness of this problem & encourage new policy on the way these products are labelled. It’s a good start

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