COVID-19: Scotland Extended Financial Support

by | Jan 13, 2021

A significant top-up to the grant support available for hospitality, retail and leisure businesses (including close contact businesses) across Scotland closed by level 4 restrictions will be paid following an announcement by Finance Secretary Kate Forbes.

On 11 January 2021, the additional support for non-essential retail and leisure businesses (including close contact businesses) which are required to close in level 4 was increased. Eligible businesses will be given up to an additional £9,000 (previously £3,000) as a one-off payment, and can claim this funding through their local authority website if they’ve not already submitted an application for the Strategic Framework Business Fund. Non-essential retail and gyms already in receipt of payments are also eligible but do not need to reapply.


Eligible retail and leisure businesses will receive:

  • a one-off grant of £9,000 for all relevant businesses with a rateable value of £51,001 or more
  • a one-off grant of £6,000 for relevant businesses with a rateable value of up to and including £51,000


In most cases, payment will be combined with the next tranche of payments for the Strategic Framework Business Fund due to go to businesses on 25 January.


For more information regarding this support, click here.

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