COVID-19: Northern Ireland Ministerial Statement

by | Apr 15, 2021

From the 23rd April, Northern Ireland have said that close contact services (including training) can resume by appointment only. We will update you once the Guidance is published.

First Minister Arlene Foster MLA Transcript: 


“Mr Speaker, we are mindful that we remain in National mourning and we wish to make a short public statement.  


The Executive met today to discuss the Covid-19 situation and we reached some  important decisions and we feel it is right to share the details first with MLA  colleagues via the Ad Hoc Committee. Colleagues will know that today marks the first formal review under our Pathway out  of Restrictions.  


We have reviewed the current situation, we have measured the risks and we have looked at the health, economic and societal data. We have been mindful of steps  taken elsewhere and our decisions have been taken on what is best for us here at  this time. We have taken a series of decisions in the interests of families, young people and  children, in the interests of wellbeing, and in the interests of our economy. We are bringing forward a balanced package of relaxations which will restore many  of the familiar aspects of everyday life that have been missed dearly over recent  times. 


There will be more to do and more decision points to come, but this is a landmark  day as we step forwards, firmly and with confidence, on our pathway to recovery.  All generations across society have coped with the most difficult of times. We are  proud of the way that the people of Northern Ireland have pulled together to save  lives.  The everyday positive choices made by so many, have reduced the transmission of  this deadly virus to the point today where we are able to roll back a significant  number of restrictions.


We are doing so in a careful and considered way, taking account of the prevailing  health situation and the robust mitigation measures that can be relied upon to help  keep people safe.  We must also stress that while we are taking important decisions today, the virus is  still with us. It is still dangerous and we cannot drop our guard. People are still being  infected, hospitals are still receiving patients and unfortunately people are still at risk  of serious illness and death. So we ask everyone to be mindful. Step out, but step  carefully.  And please continue with the public health basics. Wash your hands, wear your face  covering, maintain distance, and get fresh air around you. 


The Executive discussed the need to reflect on the strategic context for our  decisions. We are incredibly proud of our vaccines programme. We are thankful to  everyone who has responded to the invitations to take the vaccine. We thank you  for doing this in the wider interests of your family and community.  


Please remember that the vaccine does not give you superpowers but it is a vital  weapon in our fight against the virus. We continue to ask everyone to take up the  jab when your turn comes. 


The logistical operations for the delivery of the vaccines are truly humbling and we  again want to thank everyone who is involved from planning through to delivery. It is  a truly impressive operation to which we owe a great deal.  


We are also mindful that schools have returned fully this week. We recognise the  incredible efforts of everyone in the education sector, parents and our young people.  This is where we need to be. Children and young people engaged in their education.  Socialising in positive and constructive ways. Seeing their friends in safe  environments. Investing in their futures. Working towards their life aspirations.  That’s the future we want for all our young people. 


We have looked at the different risks in different settings, whether that be inside or  outdoors. We have agreed some next steps which we trust will take us forward in a  hopeful and positive direction.  


We have received advice from our Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Adviser.  We remain grateful to them as ever for their professional advice.  


Our decisions today are aimed at lifting restrictions where we can. We cannot do everything people would want. We are sorry about that and we know it will be disappointing for some. We will pay constant attention to the steps needed to keep us moving forward. That  is an absolute commitment across the parties in the Executive. So the Executive has agreed that alongside the decisions we have made today, we  will also set out a series of steps which we wish to take next if the conditions permit.  


We do so in the clear understanding that we remain driven by data and not by dates.  In the knowledge that we have a clear commitment to this place and our citizens that  we will keep these steps under review. And in the knowledge that we will ratify these  indicative dates only if the prevailing circumstances permit.  


Mr Speaker, we have decided the following can resume from 23 April: 

∙ Driving instruction and theory tests; 

∙ Driving testing; 

∙ Close contact services including training; 

∙ Outdoor visitor attractions including outdoor activity centres; 

∙ Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning (EATL) on an indoor and outdoor basis  in gatherings of up to 30 people; 

∙ Outdoor sport organised by a club, individual or individuals affiliated will be  extended to include squad training; and 

∙ Competitive outdoor sport organised by a club, individual or individuals  affiliated, with participant numbers not exceeding 100 and no spectators  permitted.  


We have also agreed that static band practice/rehearsal will be permitted in agreed  outdoor locations from 23 April. 


From 30 April, we have agreed to: 

∙ Increase the numbers permitted to gather in Domestic Setting Outdoors – to  15 people from no more than 3 households 

∙ Reopen all of retail;  

∙ Reopen and permit overnight stays in self-contained tourist accommodation  for one household only;  

∙ Reopen unlicensed premises, outdoors only with a maximum of 6 people from  2 households per table and contact details recorded;  

∙ Reopen licensed premises, including social clubs, outdoors only, limited to 6  people from no more than 2 households and contact details recorded; ∙ Remove the curfew on takeaways; 

∙ Remove the curfew on off licences; and  

∙ Permit individual activities in gyms, swimming pools and other large venues – including with a carer and to allow 1-2-1 training/coaching with social  distancing. 

Mr Speaker, we thank you for facilitating this statement today.”


Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA Transcript:  


“Thank you for the opportunity to update the members as we take our next steps on  our journey towards recovery. This is a good day. It’s a day of optimism. It’s a day where we can look forward in the  hope of a brighter future for all. There is no doubt that these have been the toughest of times for people, for families,  businesses, workers and for communities.  


The restrictions have been a necessary way to supress the virus, to save lives and  protect our health service. But they have taken their toll. And it is incumbent on us to  move forward as soon as circumstances allow. 


But we must do so with caution and have maximum mitigations in place to avoid the  virus reclaiming its grip on our society. 


Today is an important milestone that signals we are moving in the right direction.  


As a package of measures, we believe that the easements we have agreed today  will make a fundamental difference to people’s lives and wellbeing.  


We have been under the latest form of lockdown for 110 days. We know that our  people need hope and that our people need us to take some steps out of restrictions.  We as an Executive recognize the pressures the restrictions have placed on our people.  


Not being able to see family and friends. Not being able to go out and about and do  the things that matter to us. So it is important to note the cautious first steps we  have already taken as an Executive. 


Before today’s decisions, we had already: 

∙ Reopened Primary and post-primary schools for all pupils to return to full-time  face-to-face learning; 

∙ Increased the number who can meet outdoors in a garden, from six to 10 from  two households; 

∙ Removed the ‘stay at home’ provision in the legislation, moving to a ‘stay  local’ and ‘work from home’ message; 

∙ Allowed contactless ‘click and collect’ to resume for all non-essential retail; ∙ Resumed outdoor sports training up to 15 people for sports clubs and  individuals affiliated with recognised sports Governing Bodies or  representative organisation; 

∙ Permitted marriage and civil partnership customers to view the facilities of  venues; 

∙ Reopened outdoor retail, including garden centres and car washes; and ∙ Increased the numbers permitted to attend marriages, civil partnerships and  funerals – now informed by a risk assessment for the venue. 


And we now have to build on that and walk us into further lifting of restrictions for the  benefit of everyone. In a safe and sustainable way. We need to remain mindful of the Covid situation and we will continue to be advised  on all relevant factors. We are not out of the woods. We face risks from variants of concern. We face risks  from social gatherings. We need to remain mindful of the public health guidance.  


Wash our hands, wear face coverings. Limit our social contacts. Fresh air and  ventilation are part of our protection. We understand the desire to get out and  about. We ask everyone to consider how they make use of the decisions we have  taken today as an Executive.  


Take care of yourselves and each other. 


We have reached our decisions carefully today. We know that everyone out there is  looking for certainty on next steps. We cannot guarantee every step towards the end  of this but we do want to give hope. We want to set out where we wish to go next,  on the basis that this has to be kept under review. We know that people understand  this.  


Covid has no respect for timetables or dates. Covid has no respect for plans or  undertakings. So I will set out our aspirations for lifting of restrictions in coming  weeks and months on a basis I know will be understood. The following is an  indicative date – a date by which we hope to be able to make moves, but a date  which will be kept under review: 


In that context, from 24 May we hope to: 

∙ Reopen unlicensed and licensed premises indoors with mitigations ∙ Reopen the remainder of Tourist Accommodation 

∙ Allow visits indoors in Domestic Settings 

∙ Reopen indoor visitor attractions; and 

∙ Resume indoor group exercise and training in numbers limited to suit the  venue. 


Mr Speaker, we remain committed to the undertakings we made this time last year.  We will continue to keep this place appraised of our thinking, our rationale and our  decisions. Thank you for facilitating us today.”

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