Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2020

by | Oct 27, 2020

Breast Cancer Awareness Month takes place every October, all over the world.


Breast Cancer Now have released research which reveals that almost half of UK women do not check their breasts regularly for signs of breast cancer. On top of this, one in 10 women have ‘never checked their breasts for new or unusual changes’. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the UK; Breast Cancer Now is making an urgent plea to all women to make checking their breasts ‘a habit of a lifetime’, as early diagnosis can prevent women dying from the disease. The charity suggests that women check their breasts at least every six weeks.


What have beauty brands been doing?


Estée Lauder Companies have their annual Breast Cancer Campaign, which was founded in 1992 by Evelyn H. Lauder. Estée Lauder Companies report that “The Breast Cancer Campaign is The Estée Lauder Companies’ largest corporate social impact program and supported by our employees worldwide. The Breast Cancer Campaign has raised more than $89 million to support global research, education and medical services, with more than $73 million funding 293 medical research grants through the Breast Cancer Research Foundation® (BCRF)”.


The Independent have compiled a list of brands who have products supporting Wear It Pink 2020:


Image credit: ELLE


How to check your breasts, by British Vogue 


“Breast cancer can affect women and men, and there are many different symptoms to look out for, not just lumps. We must talk to each other – even if it’s not face to face, we need to spread the word and encourage our friends and loved ones to check their breasts regularly.” – Dr Zoe Williams


What to look for:

  • A change in size and shape of the breast
  • A lump or area that feels thicker than the rest of the breast
  • A change in skin texture, such as puckering or dimpling
  • Any change in colour
  • Any redness or swelling, or a rash
  • Crusting or changes to the nipple– it could become pulled in or change position
  • Unusual discharge from the nipple
  • Pain in your breast or armpit that’s there almost all of the time
  • A swelling in your armpit or around the collarbone


Image credit: Lorraine on Instagram


How to examine your breasts properly:

Using the flat of your fingers – all four of them – move in small circular movements, clockwise, from the base of your breast up towards the nipple, using a medium pressure. “Make sure you move the whole way around each breast and don’t forget the armpit area,” says Meade. “People often forget to check it there.”


You should also make use of a mirror, to help analyse whether there’s been a change in shape or to spot an obvious difference between the left and right breast. Face the mirror square on, and lift arms up to inspect from that angle, too.


Any changes to the breast, or any of the symptoms listed above, are an indication that you should visit your GP for a professional check-up. Both Williams and Meade advise being breast aware and getting to know your boobs as they are – they’re different for all of us – as that’s the easiest way to know if something has changed.


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