BA (Hons) Makeup and Hair Design graduates given awards for their passion and ingenuity

by | Jul 21, 2022

Four 2022 graduates from Solent University’s BA (Hons) Makeup and Hair Design have been given awards which recognise their passion, commitment, and achievements during their studies. The awards are: the British Beauty Council Leadership Impact Award, the Millie Kendall Creative Impact Award, the Dr Ateh Jewel Outstanding Contribution to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Award, and the Dr Ateh Jewel Education Foundation Award.

Commenting on the awards, Course Leader Sharon Lloyd said: “It is important that graduates are recognised for their passion, ingenuity and desire to make a difference in what is a fantastic industry to enter.  To see such amazing support from leading voices – the British Beauty Council, Millie Kendall OBE and Dr Ateh Jewel – can only enhance and cement what is for many, a lifelong passion and career choice.”


British Beauty Council Leadership Impact Award

Awarded to: Chiara Nightingill


The British Beauty Council Leadership Impact Award is given to a graduate who demonstrates consistently exceptional leadership qualities throughout their time at university. This includes how students manage their studies, the direction of creative projects, and external professional activities.  Often these external roles present challenging situations and involve tasks that call upon a wider body of directional, teamwork and management skills – often beyond the core requirements of a make-up and hair design student.


Throughout her time at Solent, Chiara maintained an outstanding ability to do exactly that. In addition to being a consistently high achieving and driven student, Chiara has been provided this award because she has proven to have excellent leadership qualities that are indicative of the values and ethos of the British Beauty Council.


Millie Kendall Creative Impact Award

Awarded to: Yasemin Barker


The Creative Impact Award is given to a graduate whose work demonstrates a consistent engagement with innovative and influential design practices. This includes how a student challenges their subject matter, navigates the wider contextual landscape of make-up and hair design and imbeds a deeper level of critical thinking into their practice.


The drive to develop her practice, engage with the wider skills of creative direction and curate an expressive body of graduate work made Yasemin a natural choice for the ‘Millie Kendall Creative Impact Award’. Yasemin is a fantastic example of the type of innovative creative the course strives to send out into the professional world.


Dr Ateh Jewel Outstanding Contribution to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Award

Awarded to: Ffion Jarrett


Dr Ateh Jewel has consistently advocated to redefine the default setting of what power looks like by changing the optics of industry and culture with a focus on diversity.


In situations requiring the advocacy of an equitable future within the make-up and hair industries, Ffion’s approach to every element of her studies was a credit to Ateh’s personal ethos that beauty can be a healing space to help move forward BLM.  Ffion’s ability to push boundaries and explore new connections through an artistic approach to the discipline of make-up and hair practice showcase’s the depth of her professional and personal understanding, and is indicative of the importance of empowerment and visibility.


Dr Ateh Jewel Education Foundation Award

Awarded to: Praewphan Charoenrat


Praewphan is a great example of Ateh Jewel’s belief that education, representation and visibility will help drive real social change because seeing is believing. Throughout Praewphan’s time at Solent, her work has consistently fostered the creative achievements of her classmates and course, in addition to her own successes.  Always pushing to ask the question ‘why?’ and challenging viewer expectations. All done while maintaining an element of fun and authenticity that makes her work so impactful.

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