32nd IFSCC Congress to be hosted in London

by | Jan 27, 2022

For the first time in 20 years, the IFSCC Congress will be hosted in the UK, by the Society of Cosmetic Scientists.

The International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) is a worldwide federation dedicated to international cooperation in cosmetic science and technology.


The 32nd IFSCC Congress, taking place in London between the 19th and 22nd September, will be a truly global event which brings the industry together.


Attendees to the event will be discovering latest findings and new products, sharing best practice and discussing market trends, as well as meeting new colleagues and reconnecting with others. During the Congress, there will be over 70 international speakers, with simultaneous sessions for attendees to choose from, along with a plethora of poster presentations vying for their attention, and an exhibition of the latest offerings from suppliers.


Find out more about the 32nd IFSCC Congress here.

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