10 million women identify with having Afro or multi-textured hair in the UK and Europe

by | May 6, 2019

The British Afro hairdressing industry is big business and set to grow – digital searches for specific Afro salons is said to have increased by 90% – but the in-salon experience is still considered less than perfect by many consumers. 

Winnie Awa founder of  Antidote Street – the digital market place for Afro and multi textured hair – is on a mission to change this and improve things, ensuring this valued and growing consumer gets the best possible service. With support from some of the country’s top Afro salons – including Moiso London and The Palms Peckham – she has developed a manifesto to establish a standard that inspires. For more info on this groundbreaking leap visit antidotestreet.com

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