Ingredients which are derived from nature but have gone through more extensive processing to create a higher level of safety or efficacy and have been modified from their original state, e.g. sodium bicarbonate which can be found as a naturally occurring compound, but...
These can be entirely man-made ingredients that do not exist in nature (e.g. silicones) or reproductions of substances that already exist in nature (e.g. sorbic acid, a preservative).
An organic product uses ingredients that were grown and processed without the use of manufactured herbicides and artificial fertilisers, and refers to certified farming practices and food products made using legally defined rules. This term is not legally protected on...
Palm oil is a vegetable oil extracted from either the fruits (palm oil) or kernels (palm kernel oil) of palm trees, it remains a highly production ‘efficient’ ingredient and is used in many different products from body care, skincare & haircare. Palm oil has many...
A product that does not contain any ingredients that are the result of animal slaughter, and that has not involved the death of an animal at any part of production process.
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