As of Monday 1 February people in the Isle of Man are no longer required to socially distance from those outside their household.
The Isle of Man Government have said that “there is no community transmission of COVID-19 in the Isle of Man; therefore face coverings are not required/recommended for the general population except when mandated under a Direction Notice, travelling to/from the Island and within the ports. If people wish to continue to wear a face covering that is their personal choice. There are no time limits for exercise or leisure activities and you can now go shopping for non-essential items. Meeting friends and family is a really important way of helping to look after our mental wellbeing and keeping in touch”.
There are now no restrictions on businesses; non-essential businesses can open.
There is no community transmission of COVID-19 in the Isle of Man, but you must remain vigilant:
- If you’re ill, stay at home. Don’t go to work or school. Don’t socialise.
- If you have Coronavirus symptoms, stay at home, call the COVID-111 line and ask about testing.
- Continue to wash your hands frequently for the recommended 20 seconds.
- Continue to sneeze or cough into a tissue or your elbow and regularly disinfect shared surfaces.
- If you are told by health authorities to self-isolate you must do so immediately.
- If you’re concerned about your well-being or have underlying health conditions, work with your GP to understand how best to stay healthy.
- Keep track of who you have seen and where you have been in case you need to access this information for the contact tracing team.
- Remain vigilant. Our community’s efforts have given us an Island that is as safe as it possibly can be. However, COVID-19 continues to circulate in most of the world, meaning there remains a risk of further cases here. Stay prepared to reintroduce restrictions if required. Stay responsible.
For more information, click here.