LOUM Beauty becomes a Patron of the British Beauty Council

by | Oct 5, 2021

We spoke with LOUM’s Co-Founder, Kat Bryce, to find out more about the brand, to see what excites them about the British beauty industry, and why they wanted to become a Patron.

Tell us about LOUM Beauty:


LOUM started because, as busy beauty executives, we were forever seeing the effects of stress on our skin. I think we’ve all seen it – you have a big event coming up and you break out, or you get to the end of a long week and your skin’s tired and dull, or you have a really stressful time and it’s like your skin ages overnight. We started investigating and we couldn’t believe the strength of the mind-skin connection – stress hormones dry, sensitize, unbalance and prematurely age skin, and yet no-one was talking about it. LOUM Beauty was created to stop stress getting under your skin by dialling down and reversing the effects of stress hormones to leave skin stress-free and luminous, all while being clean, conscious and responsibly sourced, with every product boasting a formula that’s at least 97% natural.


What is Psychodermatology?


Psychodermatology is the sub-specialty of dermatology focussed on the mind-skin connection. It’s still relatively unknown but is generating huge interest in the dermatology community because of the close link between the mind and skin – embryonically they come from the same cell so they’re intimately connected. We partnered with Dr. Francisco Tausk, one of the world’s leading psychodermatologists, and leveraged over 30 years of clinical research to create our patent-pending complex TriSerene – combining 3 of nature’s most powerful stress relievers (Marine Micro Algae, Broad Spectrum CBD and Wild Indigo extract) it’s clinically tested to dial down and reverse the effects of stress hormones so your stress no longer shows up on your skin.


Ahead of World Mental Health Day, on 10th October 2021, can you tell us a little more about your work in the mental health space, focused on the impact we can make within the beauty industry?


Beyond our effective formulas we have a bigger mission at LOUM – to raise awareness and provide support for anyone suffering stress, anxiety and burnout. Our recent White Paper ‘Re-Assessing our Stress’ showed the impact of the last year on our mental health:

  • 79% of UK women 18-55 say their mental health has worsened in the last year
  • 71% of UK women 18-55 disagree there is enough support for mental health


However, the results also show the beauty industry has a powerful role to play in supporting mental health:

  • While 59% agree the beauty industry could do more to support mental health
  • UK women agreed the no1 most beneficial thing for their mental health is prioritizing self-care (58%), followed by:
    • Doing pampering / beauty rituals at home (53%)
    • Getting a massage or professional beauty treatment (44%)


The beauty industry clearly has a powerful role to play in the mental health conversation.


Why did you want to become a Patron of the British Beauty Council? 


The British Beauty Council have been a real force in advancing the power of the beauty industry for mental health, leading with their latest report – The Effects of Personal Care Services on Mental Health & Wellbeing.


We’re delighted to partner with the British Beauty Council to support and advance their work in the mental health space, while creating a platform for the industry to come together to drive awareness and provide support for our communities linked to mental health concerns. As the research shows this support has never been more needed and we’re thrilled to help the British Beauty Council make the beauty industry a positive force for good around mental health.


LOUM is available to buy exclusively from Cult Beauty.


*LOUM Beauty Whitepaper, Re-Assessing Our Stress: One Year On, Surveyed 500 women 18-55 in each of the US and UK.

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