Hairdressing T Level dropped following feedback from industry action group

by | Feb 1, 2024

The Department for Education (DfE) has announced the cancellation of the combined Hair and Beauty T-Level, recognising the value of apprenticeships, following feedback from the British Beauty Council and other industry trade bodies

Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty combined T Level, which was set to launch in September of this year, has been disbanded in favour of a beauty-specific qualification and existing level 2 or level 3 apprenticeships.

This comes after the British Beauty Council and other trade organisations fed back to the Department for Education via an industry action group.

In a statement, the Department for Education has said:

‘After discussions with representatives of the hair and beauty sector, we have decided to separate our plans for a combined T Level in Hair and Beauty… (following) feedback we have had from representatives in the hair sector (we have) conclude(d) that the best route is for learners to progress into their industry through completion of an existing level 2 or level 3 apprenticeship or a level 2 classroom-based qualification. As such, we will no longer be introducing a combined T Level.’

Knowing the importance of in-situ training for people eager to pursue a career in hairdressing and barbering, the Council is pleased with this move. It hopes this will also lead to increased interest in apprenticeship qualifications, which has been in decline over recent years.

In it’s announcement, DfE points towards increased funding for apprenticeships, saying: ‘We have increased funding for apprenticeships in (the hair and barbering) industries with funding uplifts of 57% for the Level 2 Hairdressing Professional standard and 28% for the Level 2 Barbering apprenticeship.’

Government representatives have also pointed towards their ongoing work with hair employers to improve apprenticeship qualifications with the aim of increasing completion rates.

On the news Victoria Brownlie, Chief Policy Officer at the British Beauty Council, said: ‘The Council has expressed ongoing concerns around the suitability of a hairdressing T-Level so is pleased that the Department for Education has taken this on board and shelved any further implementation. Instead Minister Halfon has cited apprenticeships as the best route for learners within the hair sector. Work now begins to ensure that apprenticeships remain fit for purpose; delivering salon ready individuals with the key skills needed to work and grow amongst their fellow professionals.’

In place of the Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty combined T Level, the beauty-specific T-Level is expected to launch after 2025.

You can read DfE’s full statement here.

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