Webinar: Getting your IP Protection Right in China

Ensuring your Intellectual Property (IP) rights are protected is a crucial step for UK companies wanting to succeed in China. 

This includes anything from protecting confidential information, registering domain names, securing patents, designs, trademarks, copyright, etc. The consequences of not ensuring adequate protection can be severe, and not only limited to counterfeit.

The CTPA is hosting a webinar on 26 July with the UK’s IP Attaché team in China, based in the British Embassy Beijing and British Consulate Shanghai, which supports over 100 companies each year from across the UK.  This includes advising British companies of all sizes on risk mitigation strategies ahead of China projects and helping resolve disputes after they arise.

During this free webinar, the team comprising of Samuel Stone (Intellectual Property Attaché, China), Max Jiang (Senior Intellectual Property Officer), and Leo Zhuang (Intellectual Property Officer), will share practical tips to attendees, including:

  • the main IP risks of doing business in China and how this affects sales, manufacturing and exports;
  • ‘know before you go’: practical steps to mitigate IP risk, including IP registrations, China contract best-practice and structuring relationships with Chinese partners;
  • the remedies available when infringement occurs.

The webinar will allow a Q&A session where our expert speakers will be available to answer any questions businesses may have.  The webinar is aimed at all relevant functions within a company, including legal, regulatory, formulation and development, manufacture, market access and supply chain.\


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