Scotland Climate Week

Scotland, it’s time to talk climate.  Scotland led the world in becoming one of the first nations to declare a global climate emergency in April 2019. The need to take action to tackle climate change is more urgent than ever. So, as part of the global effort to fight the climate emergency Scotland has set an ambitious target to become ‘Net Zero’ by 2045, five years ahead of the rest of the UK.

From September 26th to October 2nd, join in the climate conversation by:

  • Understanding your impact – calculate your own greenhouse gas emissions to better understand your impact on the climate.
  • Cut your energy use – run your business or organisation on 100% renewable electricity and heating.
  • Switch up your transport – investigate options for leasing, purchasing or travelling by ultra-low emission vehicles.
  • Investigate your supply chain – encourage your suppliers to make changes to the ways they operate or source local suppliers and products where possible.
  • Reduce your waste – reuse, repair and recycle as much as possible.

Download the toolkit here.

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