Beyond Bias in Beauty

The beauty industry is underpinned by the notion of community. We ask you to join our community on Wednesday 23rd June to celebrate inclusion, creativity and empowerment in the industry.

Date: Wednesday 23rd June

Time: 14:00PM – 15:30PM

What to expect:

Brought to you by the British Beauty Council and Facebook, this event will focus on the importance of embracing Diversity & Inclusion in online advertising and why it matters to reduce harmful stereotypes.

In addition, we’ll share insights and perspectives aimed at helping advertisers and beauty professionals build a better, more inclusive future for the industry.

  •  During this 90 minute session we will cover:
    • Smashing Audience Stereotypes – presentation by Zehra Chatoo, Connection Planner at Facebook
    • Breaking Beauty Standards – panel discussion hosted by Becky Owen, Branded Content lead at Facebook
    • Audience Q&A


This event will be live-streamed online.



Will the session be recorded?

Yes, a recording will be made available post-event.

Can I invite other members of my team?

Yes, please share with anyone you think would be interested.

How do I access the event?

Reserve your space to confirm your spot. Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email which will include a calendar invite to add to your diary. We’ll also send a reminder email a couple of days before the event with all the key details.


Reserve your space .

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