Find out how you can make a positive difference by attending Beauty and Biodiversity, organised by Keith Mellen (Anne Veck Salons), and colleagues from the UKBBF and IEMA.
The webinar will review the impact of the hair and beauty industry on biodiversity, as well as providing a platform to share the actions that businesses from across the industry are taking to achieve positive change.
Joining the webinar will be a range of salon owners, experts and industry VIPs, including Karine Jackson, Anne Veck, Fry Taylor (Founder of Green Salon Collective), Dayv Metcalfe (Regional Sales Manager, London, Davines), Rosina Robinson (Director of Policy and Public Affairs, NHBF) and Marcelo Behar (Vice President Natura & Co, Sustainability & Group Affairs)
There will also be the opportunity for audience Q+A.
Click to register.