Creative Head Launch Industry Surveys

by | Nov 27, 2020

Creative Head have launched two surveys which aim to better understand the DNA of your business.

In association with the British Beauty Council, the National Hair and Beauty Federation and the Freelance Hairdresser Association, these Creative Head surveys will be taken into account in any policy-making and business support targeted at the UK hair industry.


UK hairdressing contributes £6.3 billion to the UK economy, and has experienced impressive growth over the past five years. Despite the industry’s success, it now faces complex challenges that are threatening future growth – even without COVID-19. In order to inform Government about those challenges, and to demand the support you, as salon owners and self-employed hair professionals, need to secure the future of your business, we must first understand exactly what ‘growth’ means to you.


Please fill out the relevant survey to you by 30th November.


If you are a Salon Owner, please fill out this survey here.


If you are a Self-Employed Hairdresser, please fill out this survey here.



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