COVID-19: Scotland Update Guidance and Toolkit for Reopening

by | Apr 23, 2021

The Scottish Government have updated their Close Contact Services guidance, and a toolkit for reopening.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): close contact services

This guide is for people who provide close contact retail services. As close contact services may, by nature, carry an increased risk of transmission, this guidance will help you understand what you need to do to keep your workplace, staff and customers safe during coronavirus.


Examples of close contact services include:

  • hairdressing and barber services
  • beauty and nail services (including make-up services)
  • hair removal services
  • tattoo, piercing and body modification services
  • fashion design, dress-fitting and tailoring services
  • indoor portrait photography and art services
  • massage therapies
  • complementary and alternative medicine services requiring physical contact or close physical proximity between persons, but not osteopathy and chiropractic services
  • spa and wellness services
  • other services or procedures which require physical contact or close physical proximity between a provider and a customer and are not ancillary to medical, health, or social care services


This guidance has been developed in consultation with the industry and trade unions and will keep it under review.


Access the guidance here.


‘Helping your business to reopen safely’ toolkit


This has been developed by the Scottish Government to support businesses across Scotland to reopen safely by providing them with posters and digital assets they can use to promote the latest guidance and regulations to employees and customers.


You’re encouraged to utilise them in key spaces where staff and the general public can see them. The guidance and regulations promoted in the resources are critical in our combined efforts to enable businesses to reopen safely while minimising the spread of COVID-19.


The campaign toolkit includes the following resources:

  • 5 posters, covering messaging for both business staff and customers
  • 4 social / digital posts
  • An A5 leaflet
  • A window sticker


Access the toolkit here.



Update on Face Coverings


The Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Fair Work and Culture has confirmed the Scottish Government will undertake a rapid review of close contact operating services within the ‘high risk zone’ including the use of face coverings and other mitigations. The aim of the review will be to continue to maximise suppression of the virus while recognising where we are in the state of the pandemic and the impact of the vaccine programme. It is anticipated that the review will conclude in May.


In the meantime, current guidance on face coverings remain.


Access the Face Covering Guidance here.

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