COVID-19: Scotland update close contact services guidance

by | Jul 19, 2021

The Scottish Government have updated their ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): close contact services’ guidance.

Dated 19th July, “Sections updated to reflect latest position – particularly change in physical distancing from 2 metres to 1 metre”.


Where are we now (source:

“Physical distancing in Level 0

Physical distancing measures will be slowly eased to enable us to operate in a less restricted way.

When areas move down to Level 0, the following changes will apply:

  • physical distancing in outdoor settings
  • physical distancing of 1m in indoor settings

Physical distancing requirements will be removed when all areas in Scotland move beyond Level 0.

Beyond Level 0

We have set out the vaccine milestones we hope to reach over the summer, and the plan to take us out of COVID-19 restrictions. See our proposed timetable for these changes.

Our Strategic Framework update sets out what a move beyond Level 0 may look like. We will ensure that our information is clear and accessible as we enter a period where people need to make personal judgements, rather than rules set by government.

This means everyone playing their part by:

  • maintaining good hand hygiene
  • practising respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
  • wearing face coverings
  • ensuring there is good ventilation – open windows when indoors
  • continuing to engage with Test and Protect and self-isolate when symptomatic or have tested positive

A move beyond Level 0 will be conditional on all adults over 40 protected with two doses of the vaccination and a review of the epidemic being carried out ahead of the date for that move.

As restrictions are eased, the emphasis will continue to be on personal responsibility, good practice and informed judgement. Read the latest  information on Coronavirus in Scotland.”


Access the full guidance here.

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