BAW APPG Launches Inquiry into Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

by | May 18, 2020

On Friday 15 May the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Beauty, Aesthetics and Wellbeing launched its inquiry into non-surgical cosmetic procedures in the UK.

The Group, co-Chaired by Carolyn Harris MP and Judith Cummins MP will be investigating how standards for undertaking such treatments, and for their promotion, should be improved to support the beauty and aesthetics industry and protect public safety.

The Group is inviting written evidence to seek insight on:

  • what procedures are being carried out, where, and by whom
  • what qualifications and training are being completed
  • whether there should be age limits on such procedures
  • the impact of advertising and social media
  • consumer safety and protecting vulnerable people
  • the adequacy of current licensing and regulation.

The MPs will be inviting stakeholders from across the sector to give oral evidence to the inquiry in due course and will present a report to Government with recommendations for how to ensure consistent, robust and professional standards are in place.

Carolyn Harris MP and Judith Cummins MP said:

“The inquiry we are launching today is of increasing importance.

In recent years we have seen a rapid growth in the popularity of non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Yet for too long the lack of consistent standards has left consumers at risk and undermined the industry’s ability to develop.

We are also increasingly concerned about the advertising and social media promotion of these treatments and how to make sure vulnerable people, such as those at risk from mental health issues, are protected.

We look forward to receiving representations from across the industry as we seek to make recommendations to the Government on an area where action is long overdue.”

The Call for Evidence will close on 26 June 2020. Further details on the terms of reference, call for evidence questions and guidance on submitting written evidence can be found here.

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