2025 Recycling Updates: Everything businesses need to know about current legislation

by | Jan 9, 2025

The Government is introducing new measures to increase recycling rates in the UK, designed to reach its ambitious goal to achieve 65% of local waste being recycled by 2035

As an industry that produces significant amounts of product packaging, it’s key that hair and beauty businesses remain aware of their responsibilities regarding packaging production and disposal.

This is particularly important this year, with the Government introducing new plans and legislation surrounding collection, data collection and monitoring. 

To ensure you are ahead of the game, we have compiled all of the information you need to know around two key areas – the government’s increasing monitoring of producer responsibility obligation and new Simpler Recycling guidance.

What is the Simpler Recycling Scheme? 

From 31 March 2025 all workplaces (businesses and non-domestic premises) in England have a legal duty to present the following wastes separated in accordance with the arrangements with their waste collector: 

  • Dry recyclable materials – plastic, metal, glass, paper and card (more information on separating recyclable material is in the ‘Separating recyclable waste’ section).  
  • Food waste. 
  • Black bin waste (residual waste).  

DEFRA recommend that businesses take the following steps to ensure that their waste disposal is compliant with Simpler Recycling:

  1. Check if you need to make changes. Identify the size of your company and whether your workplace is affected. For example, retail, hospitality and office spaces are all affected.
  2. Identify your waste streams. Track what types of waste your business produces so that it can be separated properly.
  3. Set up new collections. Speak to your current waste collector to understand if any changes need to be made. Ensure that your workplace has the correct number of bins.
  4. Educate your staff and customers. DEFRA’s toolkit contains further information for staff and customers, such as checklists and easy to follow guides.
  5. Keep track of your recycling and food waste. Ensure that you know how much is being recycled in each waste stream that your workplace produces. This will help your business arrange the most appropriate and cost effective waste collection.

Please note, micro-businesses that employ less than 10 people will be exempt until 31 March 2027. 

It is important that businesses follow the new regulations. DEFRA states that non-compliance could result in the Environment Agency issuing fines. Further information on Simpler Recycling can be found here, and DEFRA’s toolkit for businesses can be found here.

What does the new packaging producer responsibility monitoring plan mean for brands?

Under the ‘Packaging producer responsibility monitoring plan 2025’, the Environment Agency tracks the recycling of producers, compliance schemes, reprocessors and exporters.

All businesses that produced or supplied at least 50 tonnes of packaging in the last year, and had a turnover of more than £2 million may be affected by this scheme. And, it is not only businesses that produce their own packaging who are liable; businesses that supply individual packaging materials are also responsible.

Monitoring activities mentioned in the 2025 plan include:

  • Assessing business performance and behaviour in order to identify non-compliance.
  • Investigating businesses that may be registered under the PRO, despite no longer being liable.
  • Investigating businesses that are not registered but should be.
  • Ensuring that data is submitted correctly.
  • Gathering data and intelligence from businesses so that the Agency’s information is up to date.
  • Regular check-ins with businesses that may pose a particular risk to the environment.

More information on producer responsibility and any obligations that you may have can be found here. 

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